Thursday, June 30, 2016

Ignite the Spark! Leadership Transformation Event: August 19th

Like humans, churches have life cycles. It is a natural process, but it can be a scary thing when membership plateaus and attendance begins to decline.  Recognizing the causes will help in deciding on a course of action.  The Presbyteries of de Cristo and Grand Canyon have received a grant to aid in helping congregations to begin and continue a transformational way of life.  Transformation is the process of intentionally moving into a new reality and way of being that helps congregations envision what God is calling them to be for their community and for the Kingdom of God.  All churches are in some state of being transformed and presbyteries must have resources available to assist them.
These workshops are free to pastors and congregational leaders (limit 3 ruling elders per church, plus a church’s teaching elders) and available on a first-come, first served basis.  Registration includes a meal, workshop registration and hotel for anyone travelling over 50 miles to attend.

Our first Ignite the Spark! event will be August 19, 2016 with the Rev. Dr. Tom Tewell. This initial Ignite the Spark! event will be from 1:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. at Northminster PC, Tucson and will include a catered dinner.

The Rev. Dr. Tom Tewell, executive director of Macedonian Ministries in Atlanta, will lead our initial Ignite the Spark! on the topic of congregational transformation. Drawing on his 35 years of parish ministry experience, Tom will provide some best practices in ministry he has gathered that pastors and church leaders can apply in their congregations.  Macedonian Ministries is a ministry that resources pastors and mid-councils throughout the U.S. and in Scotland for the sake of learning best practices that help pastor’s both broaden and deepen their leadership skill set as they in turn help their congregation’s rediscover their missional identity and vitality. Dr. Tewell is the former pastor of Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church in New York City as well as Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church in Houston. To register for the August 19 Ignite the Spark!click here.

I look forward to seeing how God will work among us,

Brad Munroe

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