Thursday, December 14, 2017

Voiced and Voiceless: Mary and Elizabeth

Christmas begins in the Word.
In the beginning was the Word.
The Word was with God and was God.
And the Word became flesh and dwelled among us.

But in the Mystery of God some words are not spoken:
Zechariah is silenced and Joseph says nary a nary.
In the Gospels the Patriarchy are forced to listen;
the powerful endure the fate of those whose lives they too often control.

In the Gospels it is the Voiceless who spoke first and who spoke most clearly:
Elizabeth, the very first “Christian,” exclaimed,
Mary, sang the song for the ages:
The Reign of God inbreaking through social reversal.

Can we move beyond the need for #MeToo?
What will it take to nurture a sacred silence among we who have everything?
How can we give voice to the Voiceless?
Will we listen to Elizabeth exclaim and Mary sing this Advent?

Awaiting Christ’s Return,

Brad Munroe

Friday, December 1, 2017

In the Beginning…Silence

In the beginning was the Silence,
Brooding over tumult,
Hovering amidst insanity,
Waiting, waiting, waiting.       

The Silence was with God and the Silence was God,
Millennia of cacophonous drumbeat,
Steady march of polarization,
Waiting, waiting, waiting.

In Silence is life, and that life is the light of all,
Mystery of angel visitations,
Shepherd surprise, celestial chorus, darkness of night,
Waiting, waiting, waiting.

The Silence speaks into the Noise and the Noise cannot overcome,
Be-attitudes on a mountain,
The sacred in common story,
Waiting and listening, listening and waiting.

The Silence becomes Word and dwells among us,
Accepting leper touch,
Receiving Syro-Phoenician rebuke,
Incarnating Word that silences all other speech but praise.

Advent hoping for all y’all,

Brad Munroe