Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Presbytery Mission Funding: Call for 2018 Grant Applications

Given the new wineskin of the Presbytery of Grand Canyon – less churches, decreased funding, enormous budget deficit – new wine of vision and mission is required. Even with these challenges, our congregations have risen to the challenge and funded not only our Native American churches’ insurance, but also our historic mission partners:
·         Our three Hispanic churches: Betania, Guadalupe, and Memorial,
·         Our two campus ministries: UKirk ASU and NAU,
·         Montlure camping ministries,
·         Arizona Faith Network, the state’s leading ecumenical ministry
This month we the presbytery – you! – was able to share another $19,500 (on $80,000 of requests) to the following six ministries:
·         Gila Crossing to develop a website and other online communication technologies,
·         Tseyi Bidaa to build a handicap accessible ramp,
·         Crosswinds to promote a community outreach festival,
·         First Mesa to support an outreach VBS in Chinle,
·         Native American outreach to promote at GA mission trips on the reservation,
·         Native American coordinator to serve as a liaison to churches wanting to do mission trips.
The 2018 round of grant applications is now upon us! The presbytery will disburse approximately $58,000 for the first round of mission giving. Click here to find the application for this year’s grants. We encourage ministries to apply for support for the following categories of ministry:
·         Congregational development and collaboration among congregations
·         Starting new worshiping communities
·         Supporting regional programs

Mission Funding applications are due December 15, with grant awards made by the Congregational Resourcing Team in early January.

Together in Christ,

Brad Munroe

Friday, November 10, 2017

A Reflection

“Thoughts and prayers, thoughts and prayers, tsk, tsk.”
            “Yes, but what about action?”
            “Oh, no, that would be too controversial. Just thoughts and prayers, please.”
            “But thoughts and prayers don’t seem to be changing anything. This keeps happening – over                        and over and over. Isn’t it time for action, please?!”
            “Perhaps we should all just think harder and pray more?”
            “When will it be time to do something?!”
            “No, no, no thank you. I see you’re getting all riled up. Perhaps we need to change the                                   subject.”
            “Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayers….”
No words,

Brad Munroe

Friday, November 3, 2017

Advent Already? Confessions of a Theology Nerd

So I did this thing. I am both proud and chagrined that I did it. I like to joke that I did this thing because I have no life, but the reality is that I am just a theology nerd. I actually like my life (on most days) and enjoyed doing this thing that I did.

            I wrote a book for your church.

The book is an Advent devotional called Saints Alive! Meditations on John’s Gospel. It was originally produced for St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Tucson. [Full disclosure: my wife, Laura, was the Director of Adult Discipleship when I offered to write them the devotional.]
Some of you have asked me, “When did you have time to do this?” Actually, I have had plenty of time to write because Laura is in seminary – when she studies at night, I write. And I love to write; it is life-giving, soul refreshment for me, which leads us back to the aforementioned moniker: theology nerd.

I must warn you that Saints Alive! is not like most Advent devotionals. Rather than focus exclusively on the nearness of Jesus’ birth, its horizon broadens to include the expanse of his entire life. In Saints Alive! you will receive Biblical insight into the entirety of John’s Gospel – from “In the beginning…” to “These things are written that you might believe.”

The focus throughout, with the exception of John’s Prologue in chapter 1, of course, is on the personal encounters between Jesus and those whom he encountered. To encourage our encounter with Jesus, each half page of devotional is accompanied by a half page of prayer and spiritual direction. The prayers are written in the stylistic format of the Prayer of St. Francis, so you can read a Prayer of Nicodemus, a Prayer of St. Martha, and even a Prayer of Pontius Pilate.

            But there’s a catch.

You personally, or a member of your church, can access Saints Alive! by clicking on this link: The PDF is formatted to print as an 8 ½ x 14 sheet, unless you like really small print. Individuals and all churches are given permission to make as many copies available as they would like, and forward the link to whomever will receive it! All I ask is that, if a church uses Saints Alive! as a devotional, it ask its members for a thank offering, collect the funds, and send a check to presbytery to be given to our mission partners. (Zero comes to me; all money goes to our mission partners.) If you forward the link to your Methodist friend and their church uses it, have them collect a free-will offering and send it to whatever Methodist conference that is closest – same with your Roman Catholic, Lutheran, and Baptist friends: Pay it forward is all I ask.

We each have something to give to Jesus. I feel as if this is something I can offer. I pray you will be blessed. I pray others will be blessed. Advent is coming soon, and, hopefully, so is Jesus!

In the name of the Prince of Peace,
Brad Munroe