Friday, February 17, 2017

Igniting the “E” Word Two-Fer Opportunity to Ignite the Spark!

There was once a day when Presbyterians were the leading practitioners of evangelism. There was once a day when other denominations looked to us with envy at our passion and ability to bring God’s salvation and shalom into the lives of those longing for something eternal. There was once a day...
            Today is not that day.
But what if we could learn anew what it looks and sounds like to offer “good news” to others in ways that express a Presbyterian ethos of openness and tolerance, of care for body, mind and spirit, of the kind of faith that is both rooted deeply in history and exploring the vast, new possibilities of science? What if we found ways to introduce people to Jesus as we know him? What if...
            Today is that day.
Well, perhaps not today, as in this Friday, February 17, 2017 but soon. Coming to a presbytery meeting near you are two opportunities to hear leading practitioners and thought leaders of Presbyterian evangelism (no, this is not an oxymoron!) who teach, respectively, at a leading progressive and leading evangelical seminary: David Ezekiel from San Francisco Theological Seminary and Jim Singleton from Gordon-Conwell Seminary. You are invited to hear both of these presenters regardless of which presbytery you are member.
Jim Singleton will be leading the Ignite the Spark! for Grand Canyon on Friday, March 24. Jim’s presentation is entitled, “Who Changed the Rules While We Slept?” His presentation will explore the changing context of Presbyterian Evangelism, review the “old way” and its effects, and suggest that we could just cede evangelism to the independent churches...or not! Jim will present new possibilities for what congregations can do to nurture a new passion for the work of offering the good news of Jesus through our life together. Presbytery de Cristo members are invited to register for this Grand Canyon event. To register, click here 
David Ezekiel will be leading the Ignite the Spark! for de Cristo on Friday, April 21. David’s presentation is entitled, “Progressive, Presbyterian and Evangelistic.” David will explore the indicators that we are living in the Fourth Great Awakening and what it means for churches today that many in society are moving from organized religion to spirituality. What does this shift suggest for the way(s) Christian faith may look like tomorrow? David will offer a “strategy from the margins” for how your local church can remain relevant during this societal transition. Presbytery of Grand Canyon members are invited to register for this de Cristo event. To register, click here.

Lodging will not be provided for those visiting the other presbytery.
Be the change you pray and long for,
Brad Munroe

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