Wednesday, October 5, 2016

On Being Presbyterian: Communion, Community, Compassion

At General Assembly in Portland I visited the Presbyterian Mission Agency booth to chat up my national level colleagues (and for the bling, of course: free pens!). Interested though I was in hearing what GA folk had to say, I did not have a high level of expectation; “Meh,” I thought, “it won’t hurt me to listen.” I am so grateful I listened and am now chagrined and humbled by my former attitude.
Do you know the three mission values that define and drive Presbyterian Mission Agency efforts? In case you don’t, let me share them with you:
1.      We share the Good News of God’s love in Jesus Christ.
2.      We address the root causes of poverty.
3.      We engage in ministries of reconciliation.
What mission values define and drive your church’s efforts? Can you name them? Can your people name them? And if your answer is yes to these last two questions, do your mission values create energy, enthusiasm and love?
In Pueblo, Colorado I once proposed to our Session that our values should be “Communion with God, Community with one another, Compassion for the world.” (In case you hadn’t noticed, I like alliteration ;-)  The Session politely decided on the statement, “In the heart of the city, we have a heart for hospitality, healing and hope in the name of Jesus Christ.” This statement both better reflected our heart and passion and my love of alliteration was satisfied; more significantly these mission values energized our efforts, creating enthusiasm even as it focused our love.
As I reflect upon the work our mission partners do on the border, with immigrant communities, and with student and young adult populations, it strikes me that the mission values that drive and direct our presbytery mission mirror the mission values of the Presbyterian Mission Agency. Historically the Presbytery of Grand Canyon supports our Native American churches by providing insurance and through the work of Martha Sadongei and Norma McCabe, our Native American consultants. In addition, we have also supported Hispanic ministry, regional youth and young adult ministry, ecumenical ministry and special projects proposed by local congregations.Perhaps our mission values should say, “In the heart of the Desert, we have a heart for molding the hearts and minds of youth and young adults even as we seek to express and embrace the reconciliation of all peoples through Jesus Christ.”

Our mission partners need our help! Each of our mission partners are financially fragile; ministering with and among economically vulnerable folks usually requires outside support, so must we take the lead in providing the kind of funds required for them to continue their Jesus’ work.This stewardship season, please remember our presbytery mission partners in your congregational and personal giving. Our giving makes mission happen!

Grace and peace,

Brad Munroe

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